Népra is an activewear brand that does good
Since we founded the company, we have wanted to do good, give more than we take, and also make an impact - not only in the textile industry but in the world. For us doing good is a realistic goal, not some humbug or a marketing trick. Doing good is in Népra’s DNA. For us, there is no point in doing business if we cannot do good too.
Finally, we have been able to create a charity concept. We will donate 50cents for every sold item. We have chosen four different partners meaning that every organisation will get 12,5cents for every sold item.
Partners in 2021:
- one ethical and ecological partner that helps us to prevent the root cause of the climate change
- one partner that protects our beloved Baltic Sea
- one ethical partner to support the ethics in the textile industry
- one partner to support mental health

World Vision Finland
With your Népra purchase, you help us in reviving forests with us and fighting climate change.
The UN estimates that 13 million hectares of forest are lost each year. Deforestation is linked to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, one of the root causes of climate change.
Making actions to protect the environment is in Népra's core, and this is why we donate a portion of each item sold to World Vision Finland’s reforestation work in Ethiopia.
World Vision revives forests with an inexpensive, sustainable, and fast method called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). FMNR regenerates existing roots and stumps to strengthen forests. World Vision helps local farmers to learn the technique and to forward it to the local communities. The only tool they require is a knife. In Niger alone, farmers have recovered five million hectares of deserted soil.
We want to be part of making an impact on the root causes of climate change. Reviving forests and soil is a crucial part of fighting the root causes.
Watch a video and learn more about FMNR - everything is connected.

John Nurminen Foundation
By choosing Népra, you help us to support the Clean Baltic Sea Projects by John Nurminen Foundation.
The Baltic Sea is like a bridge to the world for the Finnish people. It has inspired many artists to write stories and create paintings. Even though not every Finn lives by the Baltic Sea, it affects the whole folk. The Baltic Sea belongs not only to the Finns but also to the people in Russian, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, and Germany benefit from the clean sea.
The John Nurminen Foundation does work with concrete results for the preservation of the Baltic Sea and the reduction of eutrophication caused by a load of phosphorus and nitrogen.
Népra means water and water regions. As we all know, water is globally a scarce resource, and many watery places are disappearing, polluted, or otherwise vulnerable. We want to do our part in saving our water resources.
Read more about the Clean Baltic Sea projects.

Fashion Revolution
With every sold item, we support ethics in the textile industry at a larger scale.
The whole idea of Népra started with the thought of creating ethically made activewear in as transparent a way as possible. We have great respect for the garment workers and are forever grateful for our manufacturing partner in Tallinn, Estonia. However, we are widely aware that the work for ethics in the garment industry has barely started.
Fashion Revolution is a non-profit organisation and a global movement that conserves and restores the environment and values people over growth and profit. They work for a more transparent textile industry and want to end human and environmental exploitation. The movement is known for its annual Fashion Revolution Week campaign that stands for safe, dignified working conditions and living wages.
We need cultural, industry, and policy change, and that’s what Fashion Revolution is here. The foundation is a registered charity in the UK and relies on financial support. Several organisations, for example, the European Union, funds the Fashion Revolution. You can also donate as a private person from all over the world.
To support the long-term work, we have chosen the Fashion Revolution as our partner for advancing ethics in the industry.
Read more about the Fashion Revolution here.

MIELI Mental Health Finland, MIELI ry
Mental health is something that shouldn't be taken for granted. Good mental health plays even a more meaningful role now that we are living in the times of global pandemic. For these reasons, we have chosen to give a fourth of the donation to MIELI Mental Health Finland, MIELI ry.
Mieli was founded in 1897 that makes it the oldest mental health non-profit organisation in the world. MIELI ry is a member of many key international organisations specialising in mental health, suicide prevention, a crisis helpline, family therapy, rehabilitation, social policy, poverty and exclusion prevention, traumatic stress research, and conflict resolution, as well as the care of the elderly.
We strongly believe that holistic health starts with good mental health, and good mental health is crucial at all levels of society.
Read more about MIELI on their website.