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Color analysis - find your colors from Népra activewear

Color analysis - find your colors from Népra activewear

Guest blog written by Noora Niemistö, color and style specialist


Color guide for seasons 

Do you feel the urge to fill your wardrobe with colors during spring or summertime? Maybe it's time to give up black and white for a while. We often admire colorful clothes in stores but hesitate to wear them. However, once you find your colors, you'll want to wear them every day. Sportswear is an easy way to add color to your style. As a color expert, I have selected suitable colors from Nepra's collection for each color season.  

In color analysis, we categorize colors into four sections named after seasons: 

  • spring = warm and light colors
  • summer = cool and light colors
  • autumn = warm and strong colors
  • winter = cool and strong colors

Your skin undertone determines your season. Each season includes beautiful tones that complement each other. Even if you're not into color analysis, you may still fall in love with these delightful colors.  

Bright Spring 

Bright colors make us shine and give us extra energy. In springtime, nature shows its best colors, and it is time to kiss winter goodbye. You can find the colors of the current season in stores as well. Delicious pink and flamingo colors remind us of a flower bouquet. If you want to add pink to your style in small doses, try Ceres Bra in Flamingo. If pink is not your thing, you should go for grass green, a fresh color for spring!  


Soft Summer 

Summer evokes images of flowers, sunshine, and ice cream. These are the basic elements for summer season colors. Light lavender, named after a flower, is available in Nepra's swimwear. You might want to try the bikini top with biker shorts. Would you like to feel the ocean on your skin? Wear cool aqua blue. 

Melange grey is a classic option for those who love light colors. 

Did you know that colors in the same season are a perfect match?  


Spicy Autumn 

As autumn arrives, nature changes its colors, creating a serene atmosphere. Autumn's color palette consists of beautiful, spicy colors, which we can enjoy in Nepra's clothing. Spicy reds such as rust, syrup, and toffee remind us of delicious tastes, and they fit perfectly together. 

If you love green, we have good news for you! Nepra offers three amazing autumn green tones: olive, army, and pesto, which are also my favorites.  



Stylish Winter 

Winter is characterized by bright and cool colors, which can be found easily in sportswear. As mentioned earlier, black and white are suitable for cool skin tones. Forest, lemon, and mariner are also good matches for winter. Lemon yellow is a brighter and stronger color option compared to the pastel shades of summer and is sure to bring joy to the wearer for a long time. Forest green is suitable for someone who enjoys darker colors and might feel a bit shy to try new, brighter colors.


I hope this blog post encourages you to try new colors as well! 

<3 Noora


Are you interested in hearing more about color analysis and getting tips on how to dress even better?

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Color analysis - find your colors from Népra activewear

Color analysis - find your colors from Népra activewear

Color analysis can encourage you to explore new things and help you discover your palette. Noora Niemistö, a color expert, curated an inspiring seasonal color guide for Népra's products.⁠

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